Non-Invasive Bespoke Cosmetic Treatments

With the current trending of make-up and skincare products customized to individual needs and made to order, it is the perfect time to talk about our bespoke non-invasive cosmetic treatments. All of the non-invasive treatments offered at American Laser Spa are bespoke in that they are customized to the individual needs of each of our clients.
Are you are looking to clear up sun damage, acne scars or clear your skin of current acne? Perhaps you would like to sculpt your body by removing troublesome areas of stubborn fat, permanently remove hair or minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Whatever improvement you are looking to achieve, you deserve a specific plan of action customized to your skin, circumstances, lifestyle and ultimate desired end results.
Acne Scars, Sun Damage And Current Acne Treatment
Smooth, beautiful facial skin is something every person aspires to have. Suffering through teenage years with acne can leave physical as well as emotional scars well into adulthood. Fortunately we have a variety of non-invasive treatments that helps keep the complexion acne-free and can eliminate acne scars. Microneedling is one of the most effective treatments for deep acne scars as well as sun damage. By stimulating the skin’s production of new collagen and elastin, microneedling is also one of the most popular treatments to reverse the signs of aging caused by fine lines and wrinkles.
Ultrasonic facial treatments work well to clear up current acne. Depending on the condition of your skin we will create a made-to-order program specifically for you that could include one or a combination of treatments and procedures.
Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Bespoke by its very nature, a program of laser hair removal must be made to order for each individual. A program of treatment will differ greatly depending on where you wish to be hair-free. Legs require a different program of treatment than does hair removal from the face, the neck, back, arms or underarms. Hair and skin type must also be assessed in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment and estimated length of treatment. A great way to get started is by taking the skincare quiz on our website.
Sculpting the body you want by removing stubborn fat that doesn’t go away with proper diet and exercise is another made-to-order procedure. With a well-planned program of CoolSculpting to target trouble spots all over the body, together, over time, we can create the figure you desire. CoolSculpting freezes and eliminates fat that causes those hard to reduce muffin tops, bra lines and love handles. Post pregnancy abdominal issues, inner and outer thighs and saddlebags also respond well to treatment.
Begin With Bespoke For Better Results
When you begin with made to order cosmetic treatments and programs versus generic treatments that are applied to everyone without consideration for individuality, you will save money and time in the long run. You’ll also achieve the results you desire the first time and won’t have to go somewhere else for corrective treatment.
That kind of thing happens more than you may think. In fact, just recently a client wrote, “ My face was broken out and congested from a procedure that I received at another establishment. I had one ultrasonic facial treatment at the Amarillo clinic and my skin was squeaky clean by the time I left. The very next morning, my skin was completely healed! It’s amazing what this 15-minute procedure can do.”
Begin your bespoke journey to a new level of confidence and beauty this year. Give one of our clinics a call to schedule a consultation or schedule online.