Hair Today Gone Forever

If you experience embarrassment or discomfort due to excessive hair growth, or hair growing in all the wrong places, summer is usually a great motivator for inspiring a permanent solution to the problem. You are most likely already waxing and/or shaving. However, these are solutions that must be repeated with regularity and frequency.
Perhaps you’ve considered laser hair removal in the past but have not yet taken the leap. Whatever your concerns may be, the truth is that laser hair removal is the safest and only permanent method for eliminating hair re-growth. It is also more cost effective in the long run
Laser hair removal works well on your face, legs, arms, under your arms, chest, back, or in your bikini or bathing suit areas. Women find laser hair removal is a great way to have smooth, sexy legs.
Men like removing facial hair to avoid constant skin irritation or bleeding from shaving. And, laser hair removal is great for removing excessive hair on the back or chest.
While summertime is not the best time to have laser hair removal, it is a perfect time to come in for a consultation and schedule a series of treatments. The reason summer is not necessarily good is that exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation discoloration. If you don’t spend time in the sun, summer is a perfect time to begin.
Virtually Pain-free
Many people think laser hair removal will be painless. The fact is, depending on where you need hair removed you may receive 30 to 40 gentle taps with a laser in a single session. However, you are unlikely to actually feel more than a handful of these.
The sensation of the laser is strongly related to the thickness and darkness of the hair. When sensitive areas are being treated, a topical numbing cream is used to practically eliminate all sensation.
20 Minutes Per Session
In my experience, people come to me thinking that laser hair removal is a lengthy process. However, it is unlikely to take more than 30 minutes per session, even for the very first session in a very hairy area. As you continue to get treatments, each session will be faster and faster. This is because the laser targets areas that are in an active growth cycle. By the time you are almost done, it will take only a few minutes.
Our Goal – 90% Gone Within 6 Sessions
I’m often asked, “Is it really a permanent solution?” Let me assure you that laser hair removal can lead to 90 percent hair removal within six sessions and is generally permanent. The laser cannot target white hairs – these lack the pigmentation that the laser locks onto.
Also, if you experience significant hormonal changes, then those white hairs can develop into full, dark hairs. This confuses some people into thinking that there has been new hair growth, which is not possible.
Effective and Affordable
When anyone who has regular waxing sessions resist laser hair removal because they think it’s too expensive, I explain that after less than a dozen treatments, they will never have to shave, wax or have another laser treatment. When you factor in the long-term cost of waxing, laser hair removal is the most economical procedure. What price tag do you put on looking and feeling your very best? So few procedures offer the permanence that laser hair removal does. Those who experience consider it a priceless experience.
Neel Kanase, MD
American Laser Med Spa