Amazed With Results

Lidia’s Story-
Lidia started a package with American Laser Med Spa for her full face. She has only had 2 treatments so far, and is already at 65% Hair reduction! She is absolutely amazed with these results so far. “I am so thankful that I decided to do this!” Lidia says. She had to shave and pluck every single day before. This became annoying and quite a hassle! Lidia is thinking about doing other areas with the laser hair removal based on her face results. She is thinking about the Bikini line. She said that the razor bumps can be seen when she is wearing shorts, and doesn’t like that feeling.
“My clinic is always clean, they are always fast, and they always take good care of me when I come in,” Lidia explains. “My Clinic Manager is wonderful. She always makes her feel comfortable and I feel like we have a good relationship with each other.” In Lidia’s first consultation, her clinic Manager answered all her questions, before she even had to ask them! “She always follows up on me, to check on me, and to remind me about appointments. Overall I am very satisfied thus far with my experience and my results with American Laser Med Spa,” Says Lidia.